416 [+] Module file 'DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsServerConditionalForwarder\MSFT_xDnsServerConditionalForwarder.psm1' should not have Byte Order Mark (BOM) 91ms
523 [+] Should pass all error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 227ms
524 [+] Should pass all required PS Script Analyzer rules 162ms
525 [+] Should pass all flagged PS Script Analyzer rules 460ms
526 [+] Should pass any recently-added, error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 175ms
527 [+] Should not suppress any required PS Script Analyzer rules 785ms
528Custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rule(s) did not pass.
529The following PSScriptAnalyzer rule 'DscResource.AnalyzerRules\Measure-Hashtable' errors need to be fixed:
530MSFT_xDnsRecord.psm1 (Line 159): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
531For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to https://github.com/powershell/PSScriptAnalyzer
532 [-] Should pass all custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rules 2.22s
533 Expected $null, but got Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord.
534 582: $customPssaRulesOutput | Should -Be $null
535 at <ScriptBlock>, C:\projects\xdnsserver\DscResource.Tests\Meta.Tests.ps1: line 582
538 [+] Should pass all error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 239ms
539 [+] Should pass all required PS Script Analyzer rules 1.39s
540 [+] Should pass all flagged PS Script Analyzer rules 271ms
541 [+] Should pass any recently-added, error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 152ms
542 [+] Should not suppress any required PS Script Analyzer rules 1.05s
543Custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rule(s) did not pass.
544The following PSScriptAnalyzer rule 'DscResource.AnalyzerRules\Measure-Hashtable' errors need to be fixed:
545MSFT_xDnsServerADZone.psm1 (Line 253): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
546MSFT_xDnsServerADZone.psm1 (Line 258): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
547MSFT_xDnsServerADZone.psm1 (Line 276): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
548MSFT_xDnsServerADZone.psm1 (Line 278): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
549For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to https://github.com/powershell/PSScriptAnalyzer
550 [-] Should pass all custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rules 2.21s
551 Expected $null, but got @(Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord, Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord, Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord, Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord).
552 582: $customPssaRulesOutput | Should -Be $null
553 at <ScriptBlock>, C:\projects\xdnsserver\DscResource.Tests\Meta.Tests.ps1: line 582
556 [+] Should pass all error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 200ms
557 [+] Should pass all required PS Script Analyzer rules 170ms
558 [+] Should pass all flagged PS Script Analyzer rules 173ms
559 [+] Should pass any recently-added, error-level PS Script Analyzer rules 148ms
560 [+] Should not suppress any required PS Script Analyzer rules 815ms
561Custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rule(s) did not pass.
562The following PSScriptAnalyzer rule 'DscResource.AnalyzerRules\Measure-Hashtable' errors need to be fixed:
563MSFT_xDnsServerClientSubnet.psm1 (Line 98): Hashtable is not correctly formatted. See https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/StyleGuidelines.md#correct-format-for-hashtables-or-objects
564For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to https://github.com/powershell/PSScriptAnalyzer
565 [-] Should pass all custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rules 1.47s
566 Expected $null, but got Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord.
567 582: $customPssaRulesOutput | Should -Be $null
568 at <ScriptBlock>, C:\projects\xdnsserver\DscResource.Tests\Meta.Tests.ps1: line 582
786VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
787VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] Expected master servers for the zone fixincorrectmasters.none to be, Found,
788VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] in 0.0260 seconds.
789VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
790VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] The list of servers for the conditional forwarder, fixincorrectmasters.none, was updated to,
791VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] in 0.1090 seconds.
792VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
824VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
825VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] The zone replaceprimary.none is Primary. Expected forwarder.
826VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] in 0.0360 seconds.
827VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
828VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] The Primary zone replaceprimary.none was removed pending recreation. The existing zone type or replication scope cannot be converted.
829VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] The conditional forwarder, replaceprimary.none, was created.
830VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test] in 0.0800 seconds.
831VERBOSE: [APPVYR-WIN]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[xDnsServerConditionalForwarder]Integration_Test]
1037VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'Int' does match. Current state is '99' and desired state is '99'.
1038VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'String' does not match. Current state is 'a string' and desired state is 'different string'.
1039VERBOSE: Comparing values in property 'Array'.
1040VERBOSE: MATCH: Value [0] (type 'String') for property 'Array' does match. Current state is 'a' and desired state is 'a'.
1041VERBOSE: MATCH: Value [1] (type 'String') for property 'Array' does match. Current state is 'b' and desired state is 'b'.
1042VERBOSE: MATCH: Value [2] (type 'String') for property 'Array' does match. Current state is 'c' and desired state is 'c'.
1043VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'k1' does match. Current state is 'Test' and desired state is 'Test'.
1126VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'Int' does not match. Current state is '99' and desired state is '1'.
1127VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'String' does match. Current state is 'a string' and desired state is 'a string'.
1128VERBOSE: Comparing values in property 'Array'.
1129VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Object[]') for property 'Array' does have a different count. Current state count is '4' and desired state count is '3'.
1130VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'k1' does match. Current state is 'Test' and desired state is 'Test'.
1143VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'String' does match. Current state is 'a string' and desired state is 'a string'.
1144VERBOSE: Comparing values in property 'Array'.
1145VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Object[]') for property 'Array' does have a different count. Current state count is '4' and desired state count is '5'.
1146VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'Int' does not match. Current state is '99' and desired state is '1'.
1147VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Boolean') for property 'Bool' does match. Current state is 'True' and desired state is 'True'.
1228VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Object[]') for property 'k3' does have a different count. Current state count is '4' and desired state count is '3'.
1229VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'k2' does match. Current state is '123' and desired state is '123'.
1245VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'Object[]') for property 'k3' does have a different count. Current state count is '4' and desired state count is '5'.
1246VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'k2' does match. Current state is '123' and desired state is '123'.
1502VERBOSE: NOTMATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'String' does not match. Current state is 'a string' and desired state is 'some other string'.
1503VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'String') for property 'Array' does match. Current state is 'a, b, c' and desired state is 'a, b, c'.
1504VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Int32') for property 'Int' does match. Current state is '99' and desired state is '99'.
1505VERBOSE: MATCH: Value (type 'Boolean') for property 'Bool' does match. Current state is 'True' and desired state is 'True'.
1842 Context When the zone is not present on the server
1843 [+] When Ensure is present, returns false 269ms
1844Context 'MSFT_xDnsServerConditionalForwarder\Test-DscDnsServerConditionalForwarderParameter': Tags are only effective on the outermost test group, for now.
2129DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsARecord\MSFT_xDnsARecord.psm1 Get-TargetResource 24 Write-Warning -Message "DSC Resource xDnsARecord has been replaced by xDNSRecord, and will be removed in a ...
2130DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsARecord\MSFT_xDnsARecord.psm1 Get-TargetResource 25 Write-Verbose "Looking up DNS record for $Name in $Zone"
2186DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsServerDiagnostics\MSFT_xDnsServerDiagnostics.psm1 Test-TargetResource 502 Write-Verbose -Message 'Evaluating the DNS Server Diagnostics.'
2211DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsServerSecondaryZone\MSFT_xDnsServerSecondaryZone.psm1 Test-TargetResource 125 Write-Verbose -Message 'Validating DNS zone.'
2212DSCResources\MSFT_xDnsServerSecondaryZone\MSFT_xDnsServerSecondaryZone.psm1 Test-TargetResource 126 if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug'))...